Work With Us

What we offer

Whether you would like to provide at-home health tests under the trusted NeoVos brand, your own branding, or looking to test your product through a study or clinical trial, we've got you covered.

brand kit icon

Health Tests

Give customers the chance to discover their individual health secrets through testing with NeoVos or privately branded kits

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trials icon

Clinical Study

Looking for a partner lab to analyse samples for a project, study or clinical trial?

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product icon

Product Testing

For quality control, R&D or just making sure that what you have in your project is there with no surprises.

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health pro

Health Professionals

Use testing to help support your patients and get access to discounts and technical support.

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Which one?

We've complied a quick comparison to help you decide which service is right for you.

What's included

Health Testing

Clinical Study

Product Testing

Health Professionals

Private Branding
Work With Us | SureScreen Scientifics for Health

NeoVos are a delight to work with...Our customers love finding out their results to take control of their own gut health.

Wesley Brown

Chief Fermentation Guru (Freshly Fermented)